What to Say When Someone Texts “Lmao” – 250+ Reply Ideas

When someone texts you “Lmao” (Laughing My Ass Off), it’s often a sign of amusement or a shared joke. Responding appropriately can keep the vibe light and fun. Whether you want to match their humor, continue the conversation, or just acknowledge the laugh, there are various ways to reply.

Here, we explore some of the best ways to respond to “Lmao” and keep the chat going with fun, engaging, and thoughtful replies.

1. Playful Responses to Lmao

  1. “You know it was hilarious!”
  2. “I’m glad I could make you laugh!”
  3. “Lmao, you’re the best!”
  4. “Glad I could get you laughing like that!”
  5. “Lmao, you’re too funny!”
  6. “It’s the best when we both find it hilarious!”
  7. “Right? I thought that was pretty funny too!”
  8. “I knew you’d like that one!”
  9. “Lmao, who knew we’d both have that sense of humor!”
  10. “That was epic, huh?”

2. Sarcastic Replies to Lmao

Sarcastic Replies to Lmao
  1. “Yeah, totally. That was the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.”
  2. “Oh yeah, I’m rolling on the floor too. So funny.”
  3. “Sure, because that’s absolutely hilarious…”
  4. “Lmao, I didn’t know I was that funny.”
  5. “Ha, I didn’t know you had such high standards for humor.”
  6. “Wow, I’ve never seen you laugh this hard before.”
  7. “Right, because that was a comedy masterpiece.”
  8. “Lmao, you’ve never laughed so hard, huh?”
  9. “Ha, glad it gave you a good chuckle.”
  10. “You must’ve been dying of laughter, huh?”

3. Play Along with Their Humor

  1. “You’re just mad you didn’t come up with that!”
  2. “I knew you’d appreciate that one!”
  3. “Yeah, I’m totally a professional comedian, huh?”
  4. “Well, I try to keep it classy with my humor!”
  5. “You should’ve seen the look on my face when I thought of it!”
  6. “Bet you didn’t see that one coming!”
  7. “I’m going to be on Netflix soon at this rate.”
  8. “I knew I’d get that reaction from you!”
  9. “I’m just getting started, wait for the next one!”
  10. “Don’t get too excited, I’ve got more where that came from!”

4. Responding with Another Joke

  1. “What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta!”
  2. “I’ve got a ton of jokes, want another one?”
  3. “I should start charging for laughs like that.”
  4. “Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts!”
  5. “What’s orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot!”
  6. “I guess I’m the stand-up comic of this conversation.”
  7. “You think that’s funny? Wait for my next one!”
  8. “Knock, knock…who’s there? I’m about to tell you a hilarious joke!”
  9. “Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up!”
  10. “Here’s a classic: What did the grape do when it got stepped on? Nothing but let out a little wine.”

5. Expressing Your Own Laughter

  1. “I’m literally laughing out loud right now!”
  2. “I can’t stop laughing at that either!”
  3. “You got me good with that one!”
  4. “I’m still laughing, can’t even.”
  5. “That’s too good, I’m dead!”
  6. “I can’t believe how funny that was!”
  7. “I’m LOL-ing so hard right now!”
  8. “Hahaha, I was not expecting that!”
  9. “Okay, I admit, I might have snorted a little bit too.”
  10. “Lmao, I might have just cried a little bit from laughing!”

6. Short and Sweet Responses

Short and Sweet Responses
  1. “Haha, love it!”
  2. “Too funny!”
  3. “That was amazing!”
  4. “You got me laughing hard!”
  5. “Classic!”
  6. “Haha, I see what you did there!”
  7. “That’s too good!”
  8. “Made my day!”
  9. “Laughing for real!”
  10. “Lol, that was perfect!”

7. Expressing Surprise at Their Reaction

  1. “Wow, I didn’t think it was that funny!”
  2. “Haha, you really think that’s funny?”
  3. “I’m surprised you’re laughing that hard!”
  4. “Wait, really? You thought that was funny?”
  5. “I didn’t think I was that funny, but okay!”
  6. “I guess I’ve got a comedic talent I didn’t know about!”
  7. “That’s the funniest you’ve laughed all day!”
  8. “I’ll take that as a compliment!”
  9. “I didn’t realize I had such an impact!”
  10. “I’m glad I could get that kind of reaction from you!”

8. Responding With Humor About Humor

  1. “Who knew I had such a great sense of humor!”
  2. “It’s just the tip of the iceberg, wait for the real show!”
  3. “What can I say, I’m hilarious!”
  4. “You know, I should be on a comedy show!”
  5. “I guess this is what I do for fun!”
  6. “You’re lucky you get to hear my jokes!”
  7. “Just wait until you hear my next one, it’s even better!”
  8. “I live for reactions like this!”
  9. “I guess I’m just a born comedian!”
  10. “Get ready for the next level of humor coming soon!”
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9. Calm and Cool Responses

  1. “Well, that was a nice reaction.”
  2. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
  3. “Glad you thought it was funny.”
  4. “Thank you for the laugh.”
  5. “Happy I could make you smile.”
  6. “Great to see you enjoyed that!”
  7. “I’m glad I could brighten your day.”
  8. “That’s what I like to hear.”
  9. “Always happy to bring a smile!”
  10. “Glad it made you laugh!”

10. Acknowledging the Humor

Acknowledging the Humor
  1. “I see what you did there, nice one!”
  2. “You caught me off guard with that!”
  3. “That was unexpected but hilarious!”
  4. “I wasn’t ready for that, but I’m glad you enjoyed it!”
  5. “Haha, now I get it!”
  6. “You nailed it with that one!”
  7. “That was a great one!”
  8. “You really got me with that!”
  9. “That’s what I call good humor!”
  10. “You know how to make me laugh, I’ll give you that!”

11. Playful Responses to Show You’re on Their Level

  1. “Haha, I can always count on you to laugh with me!”
  2. “Right? That was a good one!”
  3. “I’m glad I’m not the only one who finds this funny!”
  4. “Haha, we’re both going to be rolling on the floor at this rate!”
  5. “This is how you know we’re on the same wavelength!”
  6. “That was too funny! You always get me!”
  7. “You’re too good at picking up on the humor!”
  8. “See? You and I are the funniest people ever!”
  9. “I’m loving this energy!”
  10. “If only you could see my face right now – priceless!”

12. Responding With a Laughing Emoji

  1. “😂😂😂 You just know how to make me laugh!”
  2. “I’m literally crying from laughing 😂”
  3. “This deserves a triple 😂😂😂”
  4. “Lmao, 😂 I’m dead!”
  5. “Can’t stop laughing at this 😂”
  6. “You always know how to make my day 😂”
  7. “This is too good! 😂”
  8. “I’m lol’ing so hard 😂”
  9. “Haha, laughing so hard! 😂”
  10. “I literally just sent you 5 laughing emojis 😂😂😂”

13. Appreciative Responses to “Lmao”

  1. “Glad you think I’m funny!”
  2. “I’m so happy that made you laugh!”
  3. “It feels great to get a laugh from you!”
  4. “Happy I could make you smile!”
  5. “That’s awesome, I live for that reaction!”
  6. “You just made my day with that laugh!”
  7. “Your laugh is everything to me!”
  8. “I love it when you laugh like that!”
  9. “You just made me feel like a comedy genius!”
  10. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that laugh!”

14. Cute and Sweet Responses

Cute and Sweet Responses
  1. “You’re the best for laughing at that!”
  2. “Glad you’re enjoying yourself!”
  3. “You just made me smile bigger!”
  4. “I love when you laugh!”
  5. “Your laugh is honestly the best!”
  6. “Your laugh just made my whole day!”
  7. “Hearing you laugh is always so refreshing!”
  8. “I live for that laugh, it’s everything!”
  9. “You know I love it when you laugh!”
  10. “You’re the cutest when you laugh like that!”

15. Funny and Cheeky Responses

  1. “You’re not laughing as hard as me, trust me!”
  2. “I can’t even with you, haha!”
  3. “I’m the comedian around here, obviously!”
  4. “Lmao, you’re probably laughing harder than me right now!”
  5. “I’m about to go on tour after this performance!”
  6. “Can’t believe you just got that! 😂”
  7. “I’m on fire today with my jokes!”
  8. “That one was a real banger!”
  9. “I’m telling you, I’m hilarious!”
  10. “You know, I could quit my day job with humor like this!”

16. Acknowledging the Inside Joke

  1. “Only we would understand that one!”
  2. “You and I are the only ones who get that, haha!”
  3. “I love that we have these inside jokes!”
  4. “That’s what happens when you share my sense of humor!”
  5. “If someone else heard that, they wouldn’t get it like we do!”
  6. “We really are on the same page with that joke!”
  7. “No one else would laugh at this like us!”
  8. “That’s the beauty of our inside jokes!”
  9. “I think only we get that humor!”
  10. “Our inside jokes are next level!”

17. Responding to a Funny Story with “Lmao”

  1. “Haha, no way! That story was hilarious!”
  2. “Oh my gosh, I’m dying laughing over here!”
  3. “I can’t stop laughing at this!”
  4. “Lmao, tell me more, I need more of this humor!”
  5. “I swear, you should be writing comedy!”
  6. “That’s the funniest story I’ve heard all day!”
  7. “How do you come up with this stuff? 😂”
  8. “I can’t believe that just happened, haha!”
  9. “This is the content I live for!”
  10. “Literally dying over here, haha!”
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18. Confused or Surprised Responses

  1. “Wait, did you just say Lmao for real?”
  2. “I’m surprised you found that so funny!”
  3. “I didn’t think that would make you laugh that hard!”
  4. “Haha, I’m a little shocked you found that that funny!”
  5. “I didn’t see that coming, but I’m glad you enjoyed it!”
  6. “Is it that funny though? 😂”
  7. “I’m surprised that got you so good!”
  8. “Honestly didn’t think you’d react like that, haha!”
  9. “You really laughed that much at that? Haha!”
  10. “Okay, I guess I’m funnier than I thought!”

19. Keeping the Conversation Going After Lmao

  1. “What else is new with you?”
  2. “Got anything else that’ll make me laugh like that?”
  3. “That was funny! What’s next?”
  4. “So what else happened today?”
  5. “Glad you liked that! Anything funny on your end?”
  6. “What else do you have for me today?”
  7. “Alright, you’re on a roll, what else do you have?”
  8. “I need more of your humor, hit me with it!”
  9. “You’re hilarious! Tell me something else funny!”
  10. “I need more laughs, what’s next?”

20. Lighthearted and Friendly Responses

  1. “Always happy to bring some laughs to your day!”
  2. “You’re the best for laughing at that!”
  3. “I’m just here for all the laughs, haha!”
  4. “That’s what I do, make you laugh!”
  5. “We both know that was hilarious, don’t lie!”
  6. “Just another day of making you laugh!”
  7. “I live to see you laugh like that!”
  8. “Laughing with you is the best part of my day!”
  9. “Lmao, we’re a great team for laughs!”
  10. “This is why I love talking to you!”

21. Responding with a Meme or GIF

  1. “Here’s a meme to keep the laughter going 😂”
  2. “Just sending you this to make you laugh even harder!”
  3. “You just made me think of this GIF!”
  4. “Here’s my reaction, Lmao!”
  5. “Sending you this meme, you’ll love it!”
  6. “I found the perfect GIF for this moment!”
  7. “Haha, I had to send this meme for you!”
  8. “This GIF sums up my reaction perfectly!”
  9. “Here’s a meme that matches your Lmao perfectly!”
  10. “I’ve got a GIF ready for when you see it!”

22. Complimenting Their Humor

  1. “You’ve got a killer sense of humor!”
  2. “You always know how to make me laugh!”
  3. “Your sense of humor is on point today!”
  4. “You are seriously the funniest person!”
  5. “You never fail to make me laugh!”
  6. “Your jokes always crack me up!”
  7. “You should be a comedian, honestly!”
  8. “I can’t get enough of your humor!”
  9. “I love how you always know how to make me laugh!”
  10. “Your humor is everything!”

23. Responding with Gratitude

  1. “Thanks for laughing at that, you made my day!”
  2. “That’s awesome, you just made me smile!”
  3. “You just made me feel like a comedy pro!”
  4. “I’m so happy you enjoyed that!”
  5. “You always know how to make me feel good about my jokes!”
  6. “Thanks for being such a great audience!”
  7. “That laugh is exactly what I needed!”
  8. “I can always count on you for a good laugh!”
  9. “Your laughter is everything right now!”
  10. “Thank you for being so supportive of my humor!”

24. Self-Deprecating Responses

  1. “I guess I’m a pretty funny person after all!”
  2. “Maybe I should do stand-up comedy, haha!”
  3. “I didn’t expect you to laugh this hard at that!”
  4. “I’m so not funny, but I’ll take it!”
  5. “I’ll be waiting for your next hilarious joke!”
  6. “I didn’t even think it was that funny, haha!”
  7. “Look at me, I’m hilarious now!”
  8. “I’m just happy I can make you laugh!”
  9. “Not sure how I came up with that, but I’m glad you laughed!”
  10. “Okay, maybe I’m funnier than I thought!”

25. Responding to a Laugh After Silence

  1. “I see you’re still thinking about it!”
  2. “I’m glad that one stuck with you!”
  3. “It’s always good to get you to laugh!”
  4. “I knew that would stay with you!”
  5. “I’ll take that laugh as a win!”
  6. “You must really be cracking up, huh?”
  7. “Haha, still laughing at that, huh?”
  8. “Good to know it’s still in your mind!”
  9. “I’ll take that laugh as my award for the day!”
  10. “Glad it hit you like that!”
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Understanding the Context Behind “What to Say When Someone Texts ‘Lmao’”

When someone texts “Lmao,” it signifies they found something genuinely funny, and they are engaging in a light-hearted conversation. It’s important to understand that “Lmao” is often a shorthand for amusement or surprise, expressing a deep reaction to something that made them laugh out loud. Recognizing the tone and context in which “Lmao” is sent allows you to respond appropriately, maintaining the natural flow of conversation.

Responding to “See You Soon” in Different Scenarios

In informal exchanges, “Lmao” may be used in a casual conversation, indicating a moment of shared laughter. However, if it comes from someone you have a deeper or more professional relationship with, you may want to adjust your response accordingly, offering a friendly yet respectful reply. It’s essential to gauge the situation and your connection with the person before diving into a casual or witty response.

Alternative Phrases to Use Instead of “What to Say When Someone Texts ‘Lmao’”

You can switch things up by responding with phrases like “Haha, that was hilarious!” or “You’re cracking me up!” These alternatives keep the conversation light and playful, encouraging further laughter. Additionally, you could use emojis or gifs for a more dynamic response, enhancing the playful nature of the conversation.

Non-Verbal Communication Matters

While responding to “Lmao,” non-verbal communication through emojis, gifs, or even tone of voice (if in person or through voice messages) can enhance the humor or emotion behind the message. A well-placed laughing emoji or a funny meme could make your reply even more engaging, conveying that you truly enjoyed their joke and making the conversation feel more interactive.

Mistakes to Avoid When Responding to “What to Say When Someone Texts ‘Lmao’”

When replying to a message with “Lmao,” you want to avoid overthinking your response. Being too formal or stiff in a situation calling for humor can come off as cold or disinterested. Instead, aim to stay relaxed, match the tone of the conversation, and keep your response friendly. Another mistake is failing to acknowledge the humor at all, which may make the person feel like their joke wasn’t appreciated.

Why It’s Important to Personalize Your Response

Personalizing your response makes your conversation more engaging. By adding a touch of your personality or using inside jokes, you strengthen the bond with the other person. Whether it’s referencing something funny you both experienced or simply matching the tone, it shows you’re paying attention and are actively participating in the fun. Customizing your responses can make the other person feel valued and heard.


In any conversation, responding to “Lmao” should be an opportunity to engage, share laughter, and deepen your connection. It’s a simple yet impactful exchange that can set the tone for the rest of your conversation.

Whether you keep it casual, witty, or add a personal touch, the key is to acknowledge the humor and maintain the flow of the discussion. This approach will ensure the conversation remains fun and engaging.


Q: Should I always respond to “Lmao” with a joke?
A: Not necessarily! While humor is great, sometimes simply acknowledging the laughter with a smiley or laughing emoji can be enough, depending on the context.

Q: How formal should my response be?
A: It depends on the person and the conversation. With friends, feel free to keep it lighthearted and informal. For more professional or distant relationships, a polite acknowledgment works better.

Q: Can I use “Lmao” in professional conversations?
A: While it’s generally better to keep professional exchanges more formal, in a friendly office environment, using “Lmao” can work in a casual chat but should still be used sparingly.

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